Tuesday, 25 January 2022

We are not immortals

It just occurred to me that we adults live our lives as if we are immortal. We do not express all the love we feel and we do not share it enough. We kind of push it to the later. Because, what's the hurry. There are other things to worry about today. Stuff to get done and arguments about inconsequential things need to be argued out today. So the silly stuff like loving actively and receiving love actively gets lost in the noise.

Just know that you love me more than anything else. And you love me with an intensity that will not be matched by any other love of yours in the future. You may not believe me when some silly girl comes along and you act like an idiot around her. But even that won't be as unconditional as your love and affection for me now, when you are three. And trust me, it is well received. You are the most joyful thing that ever happened to me. And that means something because I have had some beautiful experiences and phases in this life already. But you and your laughing face beats them all out of the park. Sometimes, when you hug me tight, words fail to express the connection we share with each other. It is just beautiful and I am grateful that this happens to me. I wouldn't have imagined that this would be the case before you were born.

Anyways, this is all for your future reading when we will probably be a bit more distant as a father and son, and you will read this with a blush on your teenage cheeks. And I will probably never open these posts again because it will feel too weird to read for me I am sure. 

The Surgery

You had a surgery done in mid of 2020. It was for a small lump below your tummy and above the belt area above the right leg I think. It lasted only less than an hour and we didn't need to stay in the hospital overnight. 

But it was a hell of a time because your were too tiny in our eyes to be putting injections and blood pipes into your hands and legs. We had to sting you a hundred times to get some sample blood and attach some glucose pipes. That ordeal was almost unbearable. Your mom just walked out of the room with tears. You are baby of over a year. And you are too precious. 

For medical records, it was some sort of hernia somewhere between your lower abdomen and the penis. Right side, I think. Dont remember much else. Welcome. 

Just know that it went alright. You won't even find any signs of the scars on your body now.

Monkeys bite and boys brag

Monkeys are controlled by their greed and their fear. No one really knows what triggered the one that scratched you on the neck. We only know that you went out of the gate without any elder around. Aadya doesn't count yet. I didn't even know you had developed such guts. Last I remember, you were too scared to even open that gate. In a matter of weeks that we have been living in the new home, you have grown enough to not only go out, but to do so when Aadya wouldn't dare such a thing. And then you went near a monkey and earned yourself four rounds of rabies vaccine and a TT.

From the security cameras, we can only see that you had gone beyond the gate while Aadya stayed at the gate. Whatever happened outside, you both came back running, first Aadya, as soon as she saw the monkey scratching you, followed by your good grace, running as if, well, as if you were bitter by a monkey.

But you bragged for weeks. Said you yourself went to the monkey. Even that you shouted at it or taunted it. And probably because you got a good reaction from the audience, you milked it for all its worth, adding all, sorts of dance moves to the narrative. To everyone's absolute amusement of course. But what was surprising that people in family actually bought it. No one really proposed that it was probably just incidental that there was a monkey on the wall, unnoticed, when you went to your usual sitting place beside the gate. And that you must have accidentally scared it crazy by going too close. 

Well, at least it helped you with some story telling skills, though unfortunately I don't think your ego will stop expanding anytime soon. And more worryingly, what with all your short-hand sentences and overly expressive body shakes, you may actually have told the truth. 

Ichu Aadya Evolution - 7y/10y

Ichu broke up with enough friends already and patched up again, that, I wonder, if you were actually learning from all this, you'd grow ...