Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Ichu Aadya Evolution - 7y/10y

Ichu broke up with enough friends already and patched up again, that, I wonder, if you were actually learning from all this, you'd grow up way faster than I ever had a chance.

You beat Jittu up in front of her dad, become best pals with Purav whom you swore never to look at again, and cry everyday to go to school, despite the fun you seem to have there.

Your studies ebb and flow, god knows what you actually know. 

Your mind is growing and so is the world inside you. Sometimes I fear I am becoming only one part of it. 

Recent tantrums have become an epic issue, with Vicky and grands all involved. We have to step down a bit on expectations and you really have to step up a bit.


Aadya is mature now, all grown up beyond what her 10ys show. She manages Siddu and even tolerates Ichu, somewhat. Her best friends now seem to be her school buddies. Her mood swings would put many teenagers to shame.

She is going to be very average when she goes to college, or she is going to rule the world. Too early to say which side the coin will fall.

She is still just as excited about birthdays and chocolates, so all is not lost.


I have a new fav kid in Jittu - she is going to turn out a gem, though I can only wish I pass on some worldly wisdom despite her parents!


Messi is growing up with me I guess. I feel sad for him as he lacks company. And I feel happy that I can keep him in a safe and relatively happy place. If only he had a playground to himself..


Oh yeah. Here we are. All this life around me. 

I once thought marriage is for lame people. Thought kids are pointless really and I was pretty confident of my opinion that one should not have them, unless absolutely necessary.

I now have two boys. Three kids to raise, and a dog - don't ask. Not to mention the half-a-dozen adults to ensure its not too easy. 

I now have debt to pay. Money to earn. Wealth to build and a reputation to maintain. I have to think about the economy and the hierarchy; a SWOT on my life is not very obvious anymore.

I now have worries and troubles; concerns so real, they can give me sleepless nights.

I now have women to manage, relationships to maintain, lessons to teach and more to learn.

I now have big conflicts to resolve, and small conflicts to build upon. Challenges to overcome and a legacies to think about.

I now have responsibilities and attachments that will drown me if I blink for a goddamn second. That is what I have.

Trust me, some of it is even worth it.

Ichu Aadya Evolution - 7y/10y

Ichu broke up with enough friends already and patched up again, that, I wonder, if you were actually learning from all this, you'd grow ...